The last few weeks have been so busy. Last week especially. I planned 2 events, helped with 1, gave two talks, 2 public the time Saturday came and went, I was in bed by 8PM. I am not usually in bed by then. Which leads me to why part 2 of the office refinish isn't finished yet.
opps! no real before picture. Don't mind the messy background. |
So, last post I told you about my desk. This post I will talk about the refinishing. When my mother called me to ask me if I wanted the old credenza from my grandpa's old office, I was of course jumping and saying YES!! So, now I had two furniture pieces for my office.
I found a couple tutorials on refinishing without sanding, because I didn't want to sand all of that surface area. Now I can't for the life of me find the pin. I was pretty sure I pinned it. Isn't that always how it goes?
Anyway, a few of them recommended a product by Rustoleum,
Furniture Transformations, I did the glazed charcoal. It was fairly easy, the instructions spell it out for you. You use the step one cleaning, step 2 the basecoat, step three the glaze, step 4 the sealer. Everything but the brush come in the little kit. You have to have it tinted at the store, so don't leave without doing that first. I think I was a little confused on that one. I did buy some cheap plastic cups to put the paint in for ease.
I realized the coverage for the product was off from the surfaces I had to paint, but not enough to purchase 2 @ $40 each. Which, isn't bad to not have to sand. I after
stressing much deliberation. I decided I could mod podge the paper onto the desk drawers and save me some paint, as, I mentioned before. I was going to use wall paper somewhere in my original idea for the desk anyway. That made it so I had enough paint for both projects.
I am pleased with the finished product.
Now, to show the whole office. Just need to finish the curtains...